Lynn Angel, Cape Angel Guesthouse
“About a year ago I decided to test drive the Spindel in my guesthouse and cookery school. I was fairly confident that it was yet another gimmicky gadget, but I gave it a try anyway. Imagine my surprise when the Spindel proceeded to squeeze 2 cups of water out of a load of washing, fresh out of the spin cycle of my top of the range AEG washing machine. In simple terms, 2 cups of water = a saving of 45 minutes in my top of the range, super smart sensor logic AEG tumble dryer.”I am now completely addicted to using the Spindel and cannot imagine a laundry day without that amazing gadget. I am delighted that it saves me thousands of Rands a year in electricity and happily endorse it as a must-have appliance for guesthouses, B&B’s, hairdressing salons, restaurants and households with frequent loads of washing.
“About a year ago I decided to test drive the Spindel in my guesthouse and cookery school. I was fairly confident that it was yet another gimmicky gadget, but I gave it a try anyway. Imagine my surprise when the Spindel proceeded to squeeze 2 cups of water out of a load of washing, fresh out of the spin cycle of my top of the range AEG washing machine. In simple terms, 2 cups of water = a saving of 45 minutes in my top of the range, super smart sensor logic AEG tumble dryer.”I am now completely addicted to using the Spindel and cannot imagine a laundry day without that amazing gadget. I am delighted that it saves me thousands of Rands a year in electricity and happily endorse it as a must-have appliance for guesthouses, B&B’s, hairdressing salons, restaurants and households with frequent loads of washing.
Louise du Plessis
“It has really made a huge difference. My bath sheet was the best, I got about 500ml extra water out, couldn’t believe it! My Spindel is my new best friend, love it.”
“It has really made a huge difference. My bath sheet was the best, I got about 500ml extra water out, couldn’t believe it! My Spindel is my new best friend, love it.”
SB Marshall
“After using my Spindel for a few months and I can’t imagine being without it. My clothes are now dry in no time and all the detergents are sucked out of them making them feel softer and gentler on my family’s skin. It also makes washing day faster and easier.”
“After using my Spindel for a few months and I can’t imagine being without it. My clothes are now dry in no time and all the detergents are sucked out of them making them feel softer and gentler on my family’s skin. It also makes washing day faster and easier.”
Anita Nesbit
“With endless kid’s laundry to dry, Spindel has been a lifesaver for me. The laundry dries so much faster, I save electricity and no longer have that horrible damp smell in my fabrics. I initially thought the Spindel would be a luxury, but now I can’t do without it!”
“With endless kid’s laundry to dry, Spindel has been a lifesaver for me. The laundry dries so much faster, I save electricity and no longer have that horrible damp smell in my fabrics. I initially thought the Spindel would be a luxury, but now I can’t do without it!”
Lou Robertson, Rus ‘n Bietjie Gastehuis
“In my Gastehuis is dit amper elke dag WASDAG! In die Winter beteken dit net een ding en dit is dat die tuimeldroer vir ure moet loop. Selfs ook in die Somer, wanneer gaste mekaar vinnig afwissel. Nouja, ek het maar die kans geneem en die SPINDEL aangekoop en gehoop dat dit sake sal vergemaklik. Nadat ek die wasgoed in die wasmasjien “gespin” het, draai die Spindel nog ‘n ongelooflike hoeveelheid water uit. Die Spindel het net 2 minute nodig om daardie ekstra water uit te kry. Hierna is die wasgoed nie meer nat nie, maar net klam. Hierna neem dit omtrent 10 minute in die tuimeldroer om dit heeltemal droog te kry.Op sonnige Wintersdae het die wasgoed heeldag op die wasgoedlyne gehang en dan was dit soms nog nodig om dit in die tuimeldroer te sit vir daardie finale uitdroog. Nou, op sonnige dae, word die wasgoed droog op die lyne en kan die tuimeldroer soms uitgeskakel word. Ek het nou nog geen somme gemaak nie, maar daar is defenitief ‘n betekenisvolle besparing in tyd en elektrisiteit.Ek het nou heeltemal bederf geraak met die Spindel en weet nie hoe ek, sommer noudie dag nog, deur die moeilike wasdae gekom het nie.”
“In my Gastehuis is dit amper elke dag WASDAG! In die Winter beteken dit net een ding en dit is dat die tuimeldroer vir ure moet loop. Selfs ook in die Somer, wanneer gaste mekaar vinnig afwissel. Nouja, ek het maar die kans geneem en die SPINDEL aangekoop en gehoop dat dit sake sal vergemaklik. Nadat ek die wasgoed in die wasmasjien “gespin” het, draai die Spindel nog ‘n ongelooflike hoeveelheid water uit. Die Spindel het net 2 minute nodig om daardie ekstra water uit te kry. Hierna is die wasgoed nie meer nat nie, maar net klam. Hierna neem dit omtrent 10 minute in die tuimeldroer om dit heeltemal droog te kry.Op sonnige Wintersdae het die wasgoed heeldag op die wasgoedlyne gehang en dan was dit soms nog nodig om dit in die tuimeldroer te sit vir daardie finale uitdroog. Nou, op sonnige dae, word die wasgoed droog op die lyne en kan die tuimeldroer soms uitgeskakel word. Ek het nou nog geen somme gemaak nie, maar daar is defenitief ‘n betekenisvolle besparing in tyd en elektrisiteit.Ek het nou heeltemal bederf geraak met die Spindel en weet nie hoe ek, sommer noudie dag nog, deur die moeilike wasdae gekom het nie.”
Simone Lowe
“I have 2 pet hates – having damp laundry scattered around my house for days on end; and using my tumble dryer to dry my laundry. The Spindel takes care of these 2 things simply and in a cost effective way. I have been really amazed by the amount of additional water that the Spindel removes from my laundry. I now use my Spindel with every load of washing I do, and my washing is done and packed back in my cupboard before I know it. It really has been money well spent and I would highly recommend it for everybody!”
“I have 2 pet hates – having damp laundry scattered around my house for days on end; and using my tumble dryer to dry my laundry. The Spindel takes care of these 2 things simply and in a cost effective way. I have been really amazed by the amount of additional water that the Spindel removes from my laundry. I now use my Spindel with every load of washing I do, and my washing is done and packed back in my cupboard before I know it. It really has been money well spent and I would highly recommend it for everybody!”
Taryn Augoustatos
“Living in Newlands, it is very cold and damp particularly during the rainy winter season. Often laundry can’t be hung outside, and takes days to dry indoors. Thanks to the Spindel, I am able to extract all excess moisture directly after a wash and my laundry can be left to dry indoors within less than a day.”
“Living in Newlands, it is very cold and damp particularly during the rainy winter season. Often laundry can’t be hung outside, and takes days to dry indoors. Thanks to the Spindel, I am able to extract all excess moisture directly after a wash and my laundry can be left to dry indoors within less than a day.”
Chris Neumann, Lezard Bleu Guesthouse
Taryn AugoustatosThe Spindel is very silent and very fast. It pushes out so much more water, even after a 1100 rpm washing machine spin cycle. One does not have to be a physician to realize how much energy it would cost for a tumble dryer to eliminate the average 300 – 400 ml of water from a washing machine load. And of course it would also need more time in fresh air to evaporate this amount of water.“I hear from my laundry lady, that the time in the tumble dryer to get all the linen “iron dry” has been cut down from approx. 40 minutes to 10 minutes. This is an impressive result. The thing looks small but does a huge job! We are indeed very happy to use this affordable and quiet appliance on a daily basis.”
Taryn AugoustatosThe Spindel is very silent and very fast. It pushes out so much more water, even after a 1100 rpm washing machine spin cycle. One does not have to be a physician to realize how much energy it would cost for a tumble dryer to eliminate the average 300 – 400 ml of water from a washing machine load. And of course it would also need more time in fresh air to evaporate this amount of water.“I hear from my laundry lady, that the time in the tumble dryer to get all the linen “iron dry” has been cut down from approx. 40 minutes to 10 minutes. This is an impressive result. The thing looks small but does a huge job! We are indeed very happy to use this affordable and quiet appliance on a daily basis.”
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